Sorry that I have not been on of late. Just as I re-created my Shaman 'Fugnut' on Gorfang, my computer caught a really NASTY virus!
This is the 1st time I've been unable to repair my computer from a virus infection. It came in past a real-time AV & software firewall, and my windows updates were mabye 1 week old. So a word to the wise, don't open mysterious email!!!!!!!!!!!
This little bugger was part root-kit, part trojan & part worm. It froze up my computer upon infection, so I rebooted. That is when it had my by the short hairs!
Windows Update.... 'page could not be displayed'. AntiVirus update.... 'connection refused'. Any website of the major (and minor) anti-virus companies.... 'Page could not be displayed'. I could surf just about anywhere else....but nowhere to run an online virus scan, or otherwise research this foul beast.
So, rather than just reformat and start over on this older machine... I went out and bought pieces & parts, and built myself a new gaming rig! Man this thing hauls ass now! Intel Quad core 2.8 Ghz, 4GB SD-800 RAM, nvidia SLI motherboard, with just a single eVGA 9800 GTX w/512MB video memory. (I'll buy card #2 next month). And a cool gaming case with the clear side panel, and neon blue lights on all the fans!
I could have pimped it more, but for $900 flat... I'm pretty happy with it.
So, after getting that up and running, and installing the OS.. and the biz apps, and the drivers, etc. etc. etc. We had to go and have a major economic meltdown which spanned the globe. Needless to say, RL has been absorbing a lot of my time lately.
Anyhow, I'm hoping to get some more WAR time in. Not sure if I'll stick with my greenskin shaman Fugnut, or mabye level my Chosen tank, Urgon. I kinda wish we could mix'n'match races & classes, and gender. Oh well.
Hope to see you all in the game soon!Statistics: Posted by Urgon — Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:29 pm