I miss..
+ the heart palpatations upon hearing 'TRAIN!!' in Blackburrow.... happy times!
+ the immobilizing panic upon hearing 'TRAIN!!' in Mistmoore.. I must have lost 5 full levels in there
+ knowing the tree city of Kelethin like the back of my wood-elf hand and hearing the noobs cry out 'Where is the bank?'..
+ speed pulling for pick-up groups on the outside wall of Karnor's castle.
+ crafting bows & arrows to my Ranger could pull mobs through insane hell spawns.
+ all the cool little items in every corner of the world, always some upgrade to go quest/hunt for.
+ finally documenting all the re-pop timers in a camp area, and working the room like Carnigie zealot.
I do NOT miss:
+ having insane mob walk into my pull shot and aggro the zone on me.
+ be hit by a train in either Blackburrow or Mistmoore, because some noob never programed a 'Train to Zone' key, or had the guts to eat one for the team... or just to assuage his guilt over his own stupidity..
+ dying and losing a level
+ dying and losing all your gear in the bottom of Befallen
+ Trying to solo low-greens at level 45 and making painfully slow leveling progress.
+ Camping a suck placeholder spawn for dozens of hours, just to get piece#8 of a quest for an item that you'll only want to replace in 3 levels anyway.
+ Looking for groups... no ranger love..
+ pain ... lots of pain .. grief... I can't remember it all... I think I finally killed all those brain cells with beer that might have remembered why I felt so tortured in that game... :/Statistics: Posted by Urgon — Mon Dec 26, 2005 11:31 am