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Volsung Tribe Campfire •ALL VT READ
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Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:43 pm
by Lilae
roll Destruction on Gorfang.

Look for Lilae, Minae, Rhylith (Jeff), Bronwyn (Turcotte's main), or Turcotte.

Hey, I've already seen Eme <3

If we can get enough online at once, someone can start a Volsung Tribe... unless we all want to absorb with Perpetual Onslaught... or we can make a small alliance, which would be cool also!

That is all. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:15 pm
by Lilae
/sigh if my internet wasn't being a total bitch this entire past weekend and continuing to be bitchy - my evil plan to get VT together might be working better :(

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:05 pm
by Rhylith
I'll talk with Nathan tonight about bringing in any VT folks that want to join PO if you guys would like to, otherwise we could definitely do the guild alliance thing. I'm pretty sure he'll be cool with it.

It might be advantageous to combine guilds though because of the guild leveling system. Just one thing to know is that PO is made up almost entirely of RL friends from college so be prepared for that kind of low-brow humor :P

Edit: For further information about our guild...

As I said earlier, we're almost entirely made up of friends from the University of Arkansas, with a few people that played DAOC or WoW with us mixed in. We plan to remain fairly small and not to get hardcore, but at the same time we want to be fairly competitive in PvP and we want to be able to participate in keep siege when possible. We've done the hardcore raiding thing in WoW, and it wasn't for us. Too much drama, too much time investment. As it stands now, we just plan to continue being a laid back guild that hops on every now and then and is able to kick some order ass.

If this sounds like a decent atmosphere for you guys then joining up with us could be a good idea. Otherwise we'd be happy to do the guild alliance as soon as our guild earns enough levels to actually start one, haha.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:12 pm
by froalith
I also have a chosen lvl 4 or 5 ro 6 or....not really sure what lvl he is but the name i know is froalith and he is on gorfang

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:42 pm
by Rhylith
If yall want a PO invite either permanently or until VT is all organized on the server just ask me, Lilae, Gizmold, Skillet, or Mikalya.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:31 pm
by Lilae
sounds awesome!!

I think those of you still playing WoW should QUIT WOW and come play with us :)

pretty please??

Keep an eye out

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:10 am
by Riran
My WoW buddy, Ozlynn, should have already gotten in touch with you guys or will be soon. He's a great guy, and a perfect fit for VT.

I'm probably another week or so out before I can get the game. No worries though, I'll get there eventually.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:22 pm
by Rhylith
Good times in instances and scenarios tonight, plus we took a keep!


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:20 pm
by Soothsayor

As much as I'd like to join, I have shelved all my playing for the short-mid term.. Real life is too hectic and I dont have enough time to devote to gaming..

I will be back in the US as at the 19/10 and wont have access to a suitable computer till I return home to Australia in March 2009.. And fortunately by that time I will be a married man and have other real life things to do..

I will keep in touch and maybe like Khary will make a return after an extended gaming break..

Keep an eye on Pensacola news and you may see me floating around.. DOJ believes we will make US case law so might get this ugly mug on TV again..

Sooth aka Brenden

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:55 am
by EmeryaldPhoenixx
Nice sunny Florida eh? Cool. Better weather than here (NC)where its starting to get cooler now :( I hate cold.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:45 pm
by Lilae
aw Sooth... we'll miss you, but take care of you before all :)

As for cold, I am happy it's on its way. I love winter. I hope it snows from Dec - Feb and doesn't stop.

Damn straight!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:17 am
by Riran
I agree Lilae, I love the cold. I'll take your snow forecast and raise you half of November (like that would ever happen haha).

So, my character name is Anamosity, and I'm a level 8 (almost 9) Chosen on Gorefang. Find me and guild me!!! Oh, don't forget my friends Ozlynn and Boredom too, we need some organized RvR lovin!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:53 am
by EmeryaldPhoenixx
Snow is the only thing I do like about winter, but if it's not gonna snow, give me sun and heat :)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:50 pm
by froalith
fall/winter and the cold are much better than the summer heat, but it needs to be just warm enough to keep the ice of the lakes so i can fish still< ice doesnt get thick enough to fish off here> but best part about summer heat is the bikini's :twisted:

Gorfang - Destruction

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:29 pm
by Urgon
Hey all,

Sorry that I have not been on of late. Just as I re-created my Shaman 'Fugnut' on Gorfang, my computer caught a really NASTY virus!

This is the 1st time I've been unable to repair my computer from a virus infection. It came in past a real-time AV & software firewall, and my windows updates were mabye 1 week old. So a word to the wise, don't open mysterious email!!!!!!!!!!!

This little bugger was part root-kit, part trojan & part worm. It froze up my computer upon infection, so I rebooted. That is when it had my by the short hairs!

Windows Update.... 'page could not be displayed'. AntiVirus update.... 'connection refused'. Any website of the major (and minor) anti-virus companies.... 'Page could not be displayed'. I could surf just about anywhere else....but nowhere to run an online virus scan, or otherwise research this foul beast.

So, rather than just reformat and start over on this older machine... I went out and bought pieces & parts, and built myself a new gaming rig! Man this thing hauls ass now! Intel Quad core 2.8 Ghz, 4GB SD-800 RAM, nvidia SLI motherboard, with just a single eVGA 9800 GTX w/512MB video memory. (I'll buy card #2 next month). And a cool gaming case with the clear side panel, and neon blue lights on all the fans!

I could have pimped it more, but for $900 flat... I'm pretty happy with it.

So, after getting that up and running, and installing the OS.. and the biz apps, and the drivers, etc. etc. etc. We had to go and have a major economic meltdown which spanned the globe. Needless to say, RL has been absorbing a lot of my time lately.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to get some more WAR time in. Not sure if I'll stick with my greenskin shaman Fugnut, or mabye level my Chosen tank, Urgon. I kinda wish we could mix'n'match races & classes, and gender. Oh well.

Hope to see you all in the game soon!